We have our own prefix for MAC addresses
Oct. 1, 2013We were assigned OUI D8-58-D7 by the IEEE yesterday. This number identifies individual manufacturers and is most commonly used as a prefix for MAC addresses.
So, when you see a MAC address starting with D8-58-D7 in the future, it is hardware from CZ.NIC.
Hardware documentation was released
Sept. 24, 2013A page dedicated to hardware documentation was released. It contains router schematics, 3D model of the board and other files for download. At present, the first prototype is available. New versions will be released as the project progresses.
Website update
Sept. 19, 2013Photos of prototypes, including the box, were added to the hardware page and the FAQ page was updated with answers to questions asked below recent articles about the project.
First one thousand preregistrations
Sept. 17, 2013We have reached one thousand preregistrations during today's morning. This means that the number of interested users is already higher than the number of manufactured devices.
Launch of the www.turris.cz website
Sept. 12, 2013We launched the website of project Turris as well as user preregistration.
First prototype of the Turris router
Sept. 2, 2013Our first prototype has returned from manufacture. For now, we can offer you photos - information about breathing life into the hardware will follow soon.
Board of the first prototype of the Turris router
Aug. 21, 2013We have the board of our first prototype.