By the very nature of its function, the Distributed adaptive firewall requires some information about the traffic between the end-user's network and the internet to be sent to a central server of the Turris system.
As the authors and operators of the system, we are aware that any form of monitoring of user's traffic is a sensitive topic.
We consider complete openness to be the best way to dissolve any doubts about our handling of obtained data. Be it in terms of service of our system (no small print in the contract), handling of communication or the used software and hardware itself.
Another important factor is the technical protection of the data on our side.
We discuss sensitive data protection and use access to their own data in the following sections.
Data protection
All information stored during collection of data on the end devices are only connected with the device. Identification of the user by the operators of the analytical part of our system is technically impossible as these data are kept in a separate part of our infrastructure.
Data about individual users are connected with analysis results only in two specific cases:
- in order to contact the user when an attack is discovered or signs of malware infection are detected in the his network,
- in order to prepare overview and charts for the user, which are available as part of the user's account. The account is protected by a password and generation of this data may be deactivated and the data deleted by the user at any time.
Each user of our router enters into a lease contract with us. This contract specifies the rights and obligations of both our company and the user. The text of the contract is made publicly available here (in PDF format). Please note that the English translation is intended for information purposes only - the Czech original is the authoritative version.
Access to data
Each user has a personal account created on our website, which he could be used to access overview of data collected on his probe. He thus has the possibility to review what kind of data we collect and also to get and overview of other parameters of his network traffic, such as the number of attacks, most attacked services, network bandwidth utilization, etc.
Software source code access
All software distributed with the Turris router is released under a free license and made available for download. In case of an update, the source code is released with its distribution to the end devices or sooner.
Information exchange
Users of the Turris router have a discussion forum available in which also employees of CZ.NIC developing the software take part. The users thus have the opportunity to exchange information and also to have their questions answered directly by the developers.