First invitations sent
Feb. 28, 2014It is finally here. Today first invitations to preregistered users were sent. We are starting slowly to make sure everything works as expected, so do not be alarmed if you did not receive an invitation. We will send larger amounts of invitations during the following weeks.
If you are amongst the lucky ones already invited, we are looking forward to your feedback.
The end user contact was made available for comment
Feb. 11, 2014To make it possible for our users to study the end user contract in advance and comment on its content, we made it publicly available on this website in the Privacy section.
The source code is out
Jan. 29, 2014The source code of applications running on router Turris was released to the public. As in other public projects of CZ.NIC, we made it available through our GitLab web interface. The source code contains both original applications by CZ.NIC and modified versions of OpenWrt, its packages and other tools.
Preregistration extension
Jan. 28, 2014In order to spread the routers evenly in the network, we decided to add a few more questions to the pregistration. We will use the extended preregistration to orded the list of potential users.
Turris received positive Big Brother Award
Jan. 21, 2014On Jan 16, Czech Big Brother Awards 2013 were announced in Bio Oko. Project Turris received the only positive award for privacy protection. The awards committee emphasized openness of the project despite its focus on network monitoring.
Website update
Jan. 16, 2014We updated the project web pages to reflect current development. Hardware documentation of the final version was released and the timeline was updated. Last but not least, results of our measurements of the router's power consumption were published on the hardware page.
Serial production of routers
Dec. 20, 2013First pieces from the final series of routers are ready. Inside the article, you will find their pictures and information about distribution plans.
Second prototype of router box
Nov. 7, 2013After the second prototype of the board, we also have the second prototype of the box of the router. We have updated the hardware page with a few pictures of it.
Second prototype is alive!
Oct. 22, 2013We have successfully breathed live into first pieces from the second prototype series of our routers yesterday.
Turris at conferences
Oct. 18, 2013Project Turris will be part of three conferences this autumn. The first appearance will be at Open Source solutions in networks in Karviná on Oct 23, the second at the popular LinuxAlt in Brno on Nov 3. Last but not least, a whole section will be dedicated to Turris at the IT 13.2 conference organized by CZ.NIC on Nov 30.
If you plan to attend any of these actions, we are looking forward to seeing you there.