Do you know how you utilize your Internet connection bandwidth?
March 24, 2015We have released a short article about a new feature of the user portal, which allows users to monitor their bandwidth utilization. You can find it on the blog of CZ.NIC employees (article is in Czech).
Turris OS 2.1
March 24, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.1 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Majordomo is now using local MAC address database.
- New packages (not installed automatically): Postfix, nginx with SSL support.
- New package list "webcam" for web camera support.
- Possibility to change URL prefix of Foris; minor bugfixes of Foris.
- Added check of correct function of firewall packets' logging.
- Increased limit of TCP connections for Unbound.
- Numerous other bugfixes.
Evening with Turris
March 23, 2015The team of project Turris is hosting an informal meeting of users and friends of Turris on April 9, 2015 at 18:00. The event will take place at CZ.NIC premises (Milešovská 1136/5, Praha 3) and will contain a presentation about packaging of software for OpenWrt, overview of new development of the project and an open discussion.
You may register for the event on the page of CZ.NIC Academy.
Fix of Samba CVE-2015-0240
Feb. 26, 2015In previous days a vulnerability in Samba application was found. Remote attacker could use this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code. Today we released version 3.6.25 of packages samba-server and samba-client that contain fix for this issue. This update should be installed on the routers automatically.
Turris OS 2.0
Feb. 17, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.0 - was released today.
List of changes:
- OpenWrt updated to stable version 14.07 Barrier Breaker.
- New design of Foris interface optimized for mobile devices, added section for installation of package lists.
- New package lists: squid, TOR, cacerts (certificates of root authorities).
- Majordomo - fixed sorting of months and crash with empty configuration, cache optimization.
- Fixes and optimizations of ucollect and plugins ucollect-buckets and ucollect-bandwith.
- Increased limit of maximum allowed connections.
- Maximum length of syslog messages increased.
- Security fixes of OpenSSL and Unbound resolver.
- Support for Modem Turris (aka SMRT).
CZ.NIC changed its address
Jan. 8, 2015Since the beginning of year 2015, CZ.NIC has a new address. Now you can find us at Milešovská 1136/5, Prague 3, just nearby Jiřího z Poděbrad Square.
Publishing of the greylists
Dec. 1, 2014We've started to publish "greylists" of IP addresses that have shown some suspicious activity on the firewalls of Turris routers. A detailed description and links to download of the latest greylists can be found on a dedicated page with description of the greylist.
Turris OS 1.8
Nov. 25, 2014Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 1.8 - was released today.
List of changes:
- New version of ucollect-spoof.
- Minor fixes in loading of ipsets firewall rules.
- Ucollect-bandwidth for passive measurement of connection speed.
- Authoritative DNS server Knot updated to version 1.6.0.
- More fixes of bash shell.
- Possibility of assigning names to devices displayed in Majordomo.
- Preparations for update to new version of OpenWrt.
Bandwidth measurement and changes in statistics
Nov. 21, 2014Recently the global and user statistics have been extended with outputs from the Bandwidth probe of the ucollect application.
Network bandwidth is obtained from passive measurement which monitors traffic flowing through the router and calculates download and upload speed of data send from/to internet. Quantiles of these values are then plotted - these values represent the maximum speed that was utilized during a monitored interval by certain percentage of routers.
Also, some features that were requested by our users have been implemented in the statistics.
Turris OS 1.7
Oct. 29, 2014Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 1.7 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Minor fixes in ucollect and ucollect-flow.
- New plugin ucollect-spoof for testing of sending of packets with spoofed source address.
- New plugin ucollect-refused for monitoring of refused outgoing connections.
- Possibility to set which firewall rules should be applied in /etc/config/firewall-turris.
- Added package list 'majordomo'.
- Fixed bug in Foris that could emerge when multiple users accessed the interface at one time.
- Python updated to 2.7.8.