Project Turris received the IPACSO award
Oct. 30, 2015Project Turris withstood competition of 55 projects from the whole Europe and got an international award for innovation in cyber security and privacy. The jury praised not only the uniqueness of the solution but also our effort to expand the project to general public with the Turris Omnia.
You can read more information in the official press release.
Turris OS 2.6
Sept. 21, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.6 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Changes in WiFi: more channels in 5GHz band, possibility to use WPA Enterprise authentication (wpad is now used by default).
- Packages list "Home automation" extended with Home Assistant application.
- Added Python package manager pip, added Python 3.
- Support for bilingual notifications.
- Fix of MAC address validation in Foris.
- Fix of uCollect online status detection.
Turris OS 2.5
Aug. 10, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.5 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Support for selected USB DVB tuners, application Tvheadend added (more information in documentation (Czech only)).
- Added home automation application Domoticz with Turris Gadgets support.
- Fixed redirection of connections to SSH honeypot.
- Performance optimization of Majordomo application.
- Unbound supports validation of ECDSA DNSSEC signatures.
- uCollect uses TLS 1.2 and defers sending of data in case of connection loss.
Evening with Turris video - July 14th, 2015
July 31, 2015The CZ.NIC Academy hosted Turris team's second informal meeting of users and friends of router Turris called "Evening with Turris" on July 14th. If you were unable to come personally, you can watch the recorded presentations on YouTube:
- Intro, project news (Czech), Bedřich Košata - video
- Running containers on Turris, Alex Samorukov - video
- Introduction of Turris Gadgets (Czech), Alan Fabik, Pavel Hübner, Jiří Toušek (Jablotron) - video
We are sending invitations again
July 31, 2015After nearly a year after sending of the last invitations to preregistered users, the first batch of two hundred invites was dispatched this week. New users will receive improved Turris 1.1 distributed with a slightly modified user agreement we published last week on our blog (in Czech). We will send more invitations in the following weeks, so there is still chance for you to receive one if you are still waiting.
We will also keep you informed through these news about number of sent invitations and amount of activated routers.
PorTrend - firewall statistics
July 14, 2015We have released new public statistics which allows monitoring of trends in number of packets blocked by Turris routers' firewalls. These statistics can be found in menu as PorTrend. You can either select any of the predefined ports and protocols or enter a port number for port you are interested in.
Turris OS 2.4
July 13, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.4 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Minipots are logging more information about Telnet attacks.
- Firewall rules are downloaded compressed.
- Support of remote configuration of Unbound (by default disabled).
- Improved plugin handling in uCollect.
- Support for UBIFS (when updated from SD card - more information in documentation (Czech only)).
Evening with Turris II.
June 26, 2015The team of project Turris is hosting a second informal meeting of users and friends of Turris on July 14, 2015 at 18:00. The event will take place at CZ.NIC premises (Milešovská 1136/5, Praha 3) and will news from development and two topical presentations. The first one will introduce a joint pilot project of Jablotron and CZ.NIC and will show how to connect wireless sensors to router Turris. The second will show how to use virtualizaton with containers on Turris to for example run Debian.
You may register for the event on the page of CZ.NIC Academy.
Turris OS 2.3
June 9, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.3 - was released today.
List of changes:
- uCollect - added Telnet minipot - service that monitors access attempts to port 23/TCP. Can be configured in Foris interface.
- Checking of integrity of packages installed by updater. Larger number of packages may be reinstalled during the first run.
- Diagnostics of data sending added to "About" tab of Foris interface.
- Package squid - fix of security issue CVE-2015-3455.
- Minor fixes of applications Foris, Updater, uCollect and cznic-cacert-bundle.
Turris OS 2.2
April 22, 2015Another major update of operating system of router Turris - Turris OS 2.2 - was released today.
List of changes:
- Nethist records more statistics about memory usage.
- Nikola sends TCP flags of logged packets and pre-selects packets to be logged.
- Package net-snmp updated to version from upstream.
- Solved some collisions in kernel module packages.
- Other minor fixes in applications uCollect, updater and nuci.